Stay at home. Keep your distance. Wash your hands. Have a good theology. A reflection from TearFund.
A resource for Good Friday. Video and reflections. Click here.
An animation of the Last Supper to use on Thursday. From an ex-Brunswick member (& daughter) many of us will remember.
Fancy visiting the Louvre in Paris? An ice hotel in Finland? Grand Canyon? Stonehenge? Virtual tours of these and more are on this list.
Chris Lane of Langworthy Community Church is doing a series of eight 5-minute reflections from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday, showing how the passion narrative can bring hope to our current situation of uncertainty and anxiety. Todays' is here. (Click for Palm Sunday and Monday)
Ideas & Resources for LockdownThings to do, make, think about, learn from while we're all at home. Share yours here. Previous posts
September 2020