We are a friendly, welcoming and diverse inner-city community church, where you can learn about following Jesus, grow at your own pace in your relationship with God, become a part of the fellowship and get involved in ministry and service.
Sunday Service is at 10:45am. On the first Sunday of each month it is followed by a Bring & Share lunch for everyone. There are also opportunities for prayer, fellowship and service during the week.
Our ‘Positive Steps’ Community Hub serves the local area Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm.
Sunday Service is at 10:45am. On the first Sunday of each month it is followed by a Bring & Share lunch for everyone. There are also opportunities for prayer, fellowship and service during the week.
Our ‘Positive Steps’ Community Hub serves the local area Monday to Thursday 10am to 3pm.

Read all about it. What's been happening at Brunswick? Get our latest news here.

Positive Steps is the name of our community hub. During the week we host a wide range of activities organised by the church or in partnership with local community groups. More... The building is also available for hire. More info here.

The Refurb Project We've been refurbishing and improving the place where we meet and which hosts our community hub Positive Steps. Find out more here.

New to Manchester? (student, new job whatever...) If you’re new to our city and looking for a local church, why not give Brunswick a visit? More...