Dear Friends -
Over a large part of yesterday, I was glued to my computer screen. It wasn’t as though the subject matter was initially enthralling (although to my surprise, as the hours went by, it became more so). Indeed to be truthful, I entered the Zoom meeting both grumpily and reluctantly, questioning as to whether this enforced requirement of 3 hours of my time was both justified and necessary, and was it indeed going to positively impact me in the future.
My mood wasn’t helped by the leader of the meeting who threatened dire consequences for anyone who was tempted to look away from the screen with their attention elsewhere, even for a second. However, 180 minutes later, as I pressed the 'leave' button on the screen, (as recently a number of high profile politicians and even the Archbishop of Canterbury have also done), I was glad I had attended and completed my on-line Speed Awareness course! A means by which the prospect of points on my driving license was removed, and where also I was further equipped for the task of being a better driver in the future.
Over the course of the last few weeks, the adults in our congregation have been spending time in Paul’s epistle to fellow Christians in and around Rome. We’ve been thinking through the means by which their (and our) past, current and future failings can and have been settled through the death and resurrection of Jesus. No fine paid, no course forcibly attended; simply a required acknowledgement that we find our forgiveness and new life only in Christ, with a cleansed license, to start and indeed continue our journey with Him.
Of course on that journey there are new things to learn and discover. Just as I with 40 years or so of driving experience still had new things to learn yesterday, as Christians we never have got things totally worked out, and there are always new challenges, encouragements and insights to receive. Paul’s letter to the Romans (as we will continue on Sunday in chapter 8) moves on to share how the Spirit is there to equip us. May we indeed be open to all that God has for us, in our journey through this life He has given us.
Keep safe
Keep in touch
Keep the faith.
Over a large part of yesterday, I was glued to my computer screen. It wasn’t as though the subject matter was initially enthralling (although to my surprise, as the hours went by, it became more so). Indeed to be truthful, I entered the Zoom meeting both grumpily and reluctantly, questioning as to whether this enforced requirement of 3 hours of my time was both justified and necessary, and was it indeed going to positively impact me in the future.
My mood wasn’t helped by the leader of the meeting who threatened dire consequences for anyone who was tempted to look away from the screen with their attention elsewhere, even for a second. However, 180 minutes later, as I pressed the 'leave' button on the screen, (as recently a number of high profile politicians and even the Archbishop of Canterbury have also done), I was glad I had attended and completed my on-line Speed Awareness course! A means by which the prospect of points on my driving license was removed, and where also I was further equipped for the task of being a better driver in the future.
Over the course of the last few weeks, the adults in our congregation have been spending time in Paul’s epistle to fellow Christians in and around Rome. We’ve been thinking through the means by which their (and our) past, current and future failings can and have been settled through the death and resurrection of Jesus. No fine paid, no course forcibly attended; simply a required acknowledgement that we find our forgiveness and new life only in Christ, with a cleansed license, to start and indeed continue our journey with Him.
Of course on that journey there are new things to learn and discover. Just as I with 40 years or so of driving experience still had new things to learn yesterday, as Christians we never have got things totally worked out, and there are always new challenges, encouragements and insights to receive. Paul’s letter to the Romans (as we will continue on Sunday in chapter 8) moves on to share how the Spirit is there to equip us. May we indeed be open to all that God has for us, in our journey through this life He has given us.
Keep safe
Keep in touch
Keep the faith.