Picking up on the COP26 conference in Glasgow, our November All Together Special service had an ecological theme built around hope. We looked at God's incredible creation and how we, the human race, instead of taking care of the Earth have exploited it. Our hope is in God's ultimate renewing of all things, but meantime, we have a responsibility to play our part in exercising good creation care. We can't change everything, but we each can change something. Our prayer stations looked at parts of the world where people already suffer from the effects of climate change, ways in which we as a church can be more aware and active, and how we as individuals can reduce our carbon footprint. We finished with a video setting of the Lord's Prayer from Tearfund. Have a look.
Big thanks to the Eco Group who worked so hard to put it all together.
Big thanks to the Eco Group who worked so hard to put it all together.