Our new noticeboard is up and in use, just in time for a certain 50th event this weekend. Thank you to S4B for supplying.
On June 29 and 30 as we celebrate our fiftieth we will be joined by quite a few of our ex-members and, we hope, by many from the local community. Check out the programme here, or download it on this poster.
There are now two new pages on our website - Brunswick stories from members past and present, and Brunswick history - downloads of a selection of our Broadsheets and other publicity. The 'Past, Present. Future' display is coming together and looking great, and other preparations continue. It's going to be a great time of 'looking back with gratitude, looking forward with hope', Not long now to our Jubilee celebration – 50 years since this church building was opened. 50 years of God at work in this place. We will be 'looking back with gratitude, looking forward with hope', joined by some of our ex-members and, we hope, by many from the local community.
The programme of events is below and you can download the special issue of Brunswick News with the story of the church, personal recollections and much more here. We will get a paper copy through as many doors as we can in the next week or two. More details on our 'We are 50!' page. We look forward to welcoming you. Our church AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be on Sunday 21st April as part of the morning service. At Brunswick we don't do boring if we can possibly help it, so our AGM is a time of looking back with celebration and thanks and looking forward to what's next. Business is kept to a minimum and all the reports are available to read in this booklet, which gives an insight into all that God has done in and through us in the previous year.
Some photos from our Easter Sunday All Together Service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We started outside in the garden, set off a rocket to let everyone know that this was a special day, and then came inside to sing and admire the Incredible Lee Elisso break free from all sorts of bonds (including the Wool of Worry), but failing to beat the Rope of Sin and Death. But that's what Jesus accomplished for us all. Everyone is welcome at our Easter services and events this week and weekend.
PLEASE NOTE: Positive Steps will be closed from March 28 to Monday April 8 for a well-deserved break for Mo and her team. We welcomed two Year 5 classes from Medlock Primary School on Monday morning to our Experience Easter event. Groups looked at Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Washing of the disciples' feet, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Cross and the Resurrection. The children explored these different aspects of the Easter story and made some great contributions and insights. Thank you to the team of volunteers and to children and staff of the school for visiting. ![]() On Sunday we got our Jubilee Year (50 Years since Brunswick Church building was opened) off to a great start when Brunswick's first curate, Rev Peter Hobson returned as our guest preacher. Pete, who was curate between 1977 and 1982, also told us about how he came to be at Brunswick as a member, right back to within a few months of the building opening, then was invited back as curate by then Rector Rev Martin Gooder. Brunswick was where Pete met his wife Sue and he also spoke about how his time here has influenced his ministry since: not least in his recent re-ordering of Leicester Cathedral in the round – not dis-similar to our Worship Room! A few of the present congregation still remember Pete's time with us and it was good to renew friendship. There will be more ex-curates coming on Sundays through the year as we continue to celebrate 50 years of God at work in this place. Read more here about our special weekend of events at the end of June
Manchester Diocese has committed to the Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme. The aim is to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030. This video has been released by the diocese which features Brunswick Church and our work on improving our carbon footprint through our solar panels and events such as the Great Big Green Weekender.
We had an amazing celebration of International Women's Day today at Brunswick Church, ℅ Positive Steps. There were gift bags for everyone, a raffle for shopping vouchers, lovely food and a programme of music, readings, poetry, speakers and interviews, all ably anchored by Mo and Olivia. Here are some photos. Big thanks to our funders and volunteers and to all the women (and some men) who came and shared in a day where we declared for women "No dream is too big!" Also, check out this film and review. And the highlights movie below.