Only a week to go to our Brunswick "Sports-tacular", a sport-themed community fun day for all on Saturday September 14, 12-3pm.
There will be 'taster' sessions for a variety of sports and activities, all of which are or can be run from our building. Not only is this an opportunity to showcase some of what goes on under this roof every week through Positive Steps and other organisations, but also we want to tell you about our Refurb project. After many years of wear and tear serving the community, this is a plan to refurbish and improve the building, so that it can continue to do so – only even better – for many more. Read more here. We are currently fund-raising for Refurb Phase One, and proceeds from 'Sports-tacular" will go towards that. More info and a timetable of activities and sessions here. Download a leaflet here.
There will be 'taster' sessions for a variety of sports and activities, all of which are or can be run from our building. Not only is this an opportunity to showcase some of what goes on under this roof every week through Positive Steps and other organisations, but also we want to tell you about our Refurb project. After many years of wear and tear serving the community, this is a plan to refurbish and improve the building, so that it can continue to do so – only even better – for many more. Read more here. We are currently fund-raising for Refurb Phase One, and proceeds from 'Sports-tacular" will go towards that. More info and a timetable of activities and sessions here. Download a leaflet here.